True Craps!

The Power of the DarkSide of Craps!

Hey you. Psssssssst. Over here in the shadows.

Hey. Yes you my friend. Come closer, and I'll share something with you.
Next time you're at the table, and considering a come bet, or place bet on top of your line bet - Don't do it.
Fight the urge, and feel the force. The force of the DarkSide.
It's easy. Instead of pushing that red chip into the Come box, put it in the Don't Come box.
Yes, that's it. Right there in the Don't Come box.
You'll like it! Trust me. It's not the 'right' thing to do, but the good thing to do. You'll see. Try the DarkSide power.
It pays well, and fills you with the true power of craps.

You'll love it when they say:

"Seven out! Line away. Pay that incredibly intelligent person on the Don't."

The Pass Back System!

A DarkSide Method for You

I have created a patented, copyrighted, not-to-be-copied, just mine and mine alone, nobody else can use it without my permission system called the er, um, "Pass Back" system (a catchy name is so important).
The Right bettors (Pass Line bettors) virtually own the tables. DarkSide bettors are always in the minority, and looked down upon as second-class citizens of the craps underworld.

At one point I figured why fight them, but a wise man once told me a long time ago to "stick to my system", don't flip-flop back and forth. So what to do.

I created my own Right Side - DarkSide system!

The ©Pass Back (patent applied for) system lets me get in on both the Pass and the Back line (Darkside), thus the incredibly clever name "Pass Back".
Instead of bypassing the come-out, I make a Pass bet, followed up by one or more DC (Don't Come) bets. I'll take odds if the point is 6 or 8, sometimes 5/9. Seven-outs are good, and if the shooter passes it's no problem, actually it's great as long as the shooter then throws another come-out 7. This betting pattern seems to work real well on a choppy table.

WARNING: The following is phoney baloney hucksterism which is required when any craps system is presented, less the recipient of said system think it is of no value.

Of course, this system has some real tricks to it, so I would recommend that anyone truly interested in this winning, innovative, scientifically proven method sign up for my next
Pass Back Winner's Seminar DeLux (PBWSD Course).

I offer the famous PBWSD Course to any and all interested parties several times a year near the casino of your choice (subject to availability)! Classes are forming now, so don't be left out! Join all the incredibly rich and gifted PBWSD Graduates in their new-found skills!
Many of our PBWSD Graduates are now riding around in really expensive automobiles and drinking beer from a glass since they have acquired the autonomic and non-atavistic "Super Skillset"
© taught ONLY in the PBWSD (patent pending) © Course! In addition to the skilled betting methods of the Pass Back system, we promise to teach the super-psuedo- scientific ©Axle-Axis Set!!
With this you can't lose!

Join up for only $7,495.00! You could lose that much unless you take this course! Yes, only $7,495 and you can charge it too! Don't miss out! Email me your bank account number, or credit card number and expiration date today, and I'll even take the money from you for free! No check or postal money order fee, or stamp to lick! WHAT A DEAL!!

Cinco Dos, Adios!

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