True Craps!

Craps Etiquette (Manners!)

Many people are afraid to join a new game, especially one as complex looking as craps, for fear of breaking some unknown rule or protocol. Also, no one wants to look like a raw newbie, especially in a gambling game, thus leading to misplaced bravado, and mistaken bets.

So that you may enjoy a game of craps more fully and with a measuer of confidence, I am listing the major points of etiquette and behavior you should take with you to the craps table.

    1. When you buy in, lay your money on the layout, and clearly announce to the dealer that you want "Change Only, Please". Don't throw your money at the dealer, and don't just lay it down without clearly announcing what it is for.
    2. Keep your hands off the table unless actually making a bet. You don't want the dice to wack you and seven out, do you?
    3. Don't make bets at the last moment. Get your bets in well before the dice are thrown.
    4. If you are the shooter, look around the table to make sure everyone is set and ready to go. This is not to say you should stall around, just give a courtesy look over.
    5. Never say seven. Just don't do it. The dealers get to say seven, not the players.
    6. If one dice goes off the table and you are the shooter, strongly consider getting a new die unless you were on a streak, then demand the old die.
    7. If you like to set the dice before tossing, make it quick.
    8. If you are a female shooter, and it's your first time, announce it to the table. If you are a male shooting for the first time, shut up and throw.
    9. Don't put your drink on the layout.
    10. If there's just enough room for tiny old you to squeeze in at the table, and by George you have just as much right to the table as anyone, don't squeeze in at the table.
    11. Feel free to shout on the Come Out roll.
    12. If you're ahead and the staff has been nice to you, strongly consider placing a bet next to yours and say "For the Dealers".
    13. Be careful about striking up a conversation with another player. It will usually break their concentration, so wait for a lull in the action to ask questions, or whatever.
    14. Don't make comments about someone's losing bet. Feel free to make a comment on a winner.
    15. If in doubt about anything, anything at all, ask a dealer.
    16. When it's time to go, stack your chips behind the Pass Line during a lull or change in shooters, and push the stack towards the dealer as you announce "Color me out, please". The dealer will give you the smallest number of chips for ease of transport, and to place more chips back into circulation. If the staff treated you well, this may be a time to leave a chip or two on the layout, and say "For the Crew". 17. If you are playing a DarkSide strategy, be quiet.
    18. Never make any suggestions on play to another player unless specifically asked.

    Last and certainly not least, consider a round of applause for a shooter who has made you a lot of money, and if it was truly a lot, you can tip another player with some of your winnings.

    Remember, what goes around, comes around.

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